Monday, April 8

Umm...I fall off the blog-Earth, and I 'win' an award?

Apparently us aviation-attached bloggers gotta stick together. ;) Because seriously, who else understands the excuse of not coming home from a routine day of, "Babe, plane broke. I'm stuck in ____________ until we send a crew with parts to fix it." like the jet- and prop-ridden life of Naval aviation. :) Thanks NavyGirl!

Seriously, how does it jazz hands like that?

What’s a Liebster Award you ask?Liebster is a German word meaning dearest, and the award is given to up-and-coming bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve some recognition and support to keep on blogging.  It’s also a great way to discover new blogs!
Here are the rules:
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter and link back to their blog. (See above!!)
2. Share 11 things about yourself and answer the questions given. (See below!!)
3. Nominate 5 blogs that you enjoy to receive the award who have less than 200 followers, and provide them with questions to answer about themselves. (Erm....can I pass on this one?? I'm a re-virgin'd blogger, remember?)
4. Inform them of their nomination by leaving a comment on their blog.

11 Things About Me
  1. My feet are still a Size 8 - and it's been this way since 8th grade. So yes, I never get rid of shoes because they don't fit; it's because I wear the shit outta them. So yay for my bank account, I guess...
  2. I have a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a Minor in Writing...and have NO desire to ever be a teacher. SO STOP ASKING ME! I don't like babysitting 2 kids, why would I want to be around 30 kids? Especially when there's no Pokey to throw the rotten kids into... :)
  3. I once went anorexic for a week to see what it felt like. So after a week, my clothes fit the same, but I was just cranky for not eating. Then I knew I had no dreams of being a supermodel.
  4. I didn't take any pictures of Mr. Wookie's "goodbye" because I didn't feel the need to commemorate his leaving - instead I have this deep memory of his last bearhug, my head buried into his shoulder, and his arms compressing my body. There were temporary tears in my eyes as I knew this was the worst part of it all. But then I headed to work and had my mind easily busied with my workload. And now we're on the (long) downhill to another bearhug that I will document.
  5. I'm midst a bad habit of not eating breakfast until I get to work. :/
  6. I'm midst the good habit of enjoying a glass of red wine on my patio after work as California is finally gracing us with "California weather."
  7. And then after the one glass of wine on the patio, I enjoy one with dinner while my butt is parked on the sofa watching Jeopardy.
  8. I had an impromptu spur of energy on Saturday night at 8pm. It involved Michael's, a 40%-off coupon, and picking up some quilting supplies. :)
  9. So yes, it's official: I'm going to attempt quilting very basic projects.
  10. I've made my first deployment goal: NO FRIVOLOUS SHOPPING since I can easily walk into Target when bored and drop $75 at the register because I was bored. Tsk tsk tsk Mrs. Wookie. So for April it's only the basics: food and wine (and quilting supplies!). No, no tall clothes, no NOTHING!
  11. I briefly flirted with the idea of "No adult beverages" for April, BUT WHO ARE KIDDING?? That ain't gonna happen.
Questions for my Nominees
1. What is your earliest memory from childhood?
I was maybe 3 and it was of the ugliest wallpaper known to man: magnolias (or  something) on a bright red. Sounds beautiful, eh?
2. How do you like to celebrate your birthday? style?? My 30th birthday will involve NYC, shopping, museums, and hopefully purchasing a fake Chanel bag from the trunk of a car. :)
3. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
The last movie we saw was The Hobbit.
4. How do you like your eggs?
Unfertilized. Oh, you mean chicken eggs... ;) I like 'em over medium.
5. What would you do if the Internet disappeared?  What would you miss the most?
I'd miss the bullshit entertainment: The Chive,, etc.
6. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
It depends - I can be the absolute life of the party or I can be a turtle.
7. What is your favorite family recipe?  Is there a story behind it?
No story, but it's amazing...and so very basic! It's my mom's chicken noodle casserole and my 'go-to' for MOM, MAKE ME THIS MEAL, DAMMIT!
8. What is your favorite quotation?
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Ghandi
Because anyone can bitch about changing things; but actions actually do.
9. If you were the President of the United States, what would be your first act in office?
I would order a cocktail and lounge on the South Lawn.
10. Do you know a second language?  If not, which one would you like to learn?
I can fumble through Spanish despues una margarita. :)
11. What is one household chore you actually enjoy doing?
Laundry. :) Which is something I need to do as I'm out of underwear now.


  1. Gah - the Pokey!! Thank goodness you didn't have to become Mrs. Trunchbull :) Don't forget to post about those new quilting projects!

  2. Yay for quilting. I've heard that is a good hobby... obviously I'd have no idea. Because my form of a hobby is watching five billion reality tv shows.
