Sunday, December 1

25 Days of Christmas: My Favorite Holiday Movie!

Holy Toledo, where did November go?!?! Seriously. I swear, I was just bitching about how Mr. Wookie is missing the last remains of college football (though good thing he did with Oregon State's 6-6 season this year.....harrrumpph!), and here it is....DECEMBER!! Well, I guess there's only way to greet it.

With a 25 Days of Christmas BLOGGING Challenge. Yes, there'll be multiple challenges in this month:

1.) I have to blog every day.
2.) I have to clean my house to prepare for a fingers-crossed eventual homecoming.
3.) I have to Christmas shop 900+ miles from family.
4.) I have to recover from this sore-left-side-of-my-throat business.
5.) I have to convince my cat I still love her after ditching her at a friend's for the Thanksgiving holiday in frigid Oregon (it was a morning temperature of 33. Brrrrrr!!).

So won't you join me?? I'll help you with the first five:

1.) What's your favorite Christmas movie?
2.) What's on your Christmas list?
3.) When/How did you learn that Santa wasn't real?
4.) Favorite Christmas song?
5.) Best gift you've ever received?

My Favorite Holiday Movie. Boom.
Muuuuuuch to Mr. Wookie's distaste, I can't get enough of the TBS 24-hour marathon of A CHRISTMAS STORY. I loooooove the fa-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra, I love the "C+......ahahahaahahahahah! C+! Ahahahahahaha!," and I especially loooove the bunny suit. Seriously. Best. outfit. ever.

Mr. Wookie typically hides away in his cave, but I try to drag him out whenever possible. And when he's joined me in a pilgrimage with Christmas with my family, he has no choice but to deal with it since it's happily a family favorite. Sorry babe.

If Mr. Wookie were answering this question, he'd answer Charlie Brown. What a nice guy.

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