Sunday, July 29

You want more! Back to "Glamour's 30 Things before 30" #11-15

In continuing the trend of Glamour's "30 Things Every Woman Should Have and Should Know by the Time She's 30", let's see how my answers stack up for the next 5 questions of this Q&A.

By 30, I "should" have ...

11. A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra.
Yes, yes, and no. It's not black lace that's the issue. Are you kidding me? In my size, I'll take what I can get. When you are a 30D+, the usually suspects are black and nude. Shock me, shock me. How glamorous.
12. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it.
Well....I did buy myself a 4" featherbed right before Mr. Wookie left for the boat. I don't know if he was miffed at the timing or not, but seriously...sleeping alone for months with him or a dog is torture. Gimme some dead avian feathers to sleep on, at least. Oh, and let's not discredit the 20% off coupon code I used. Just because it's "ridiculously expensive," doesn't mean you pay full price.
13. The belief that you deserve it.
In life, no one deserves anything. You don't deserve college. You don't deserve the new car at 16. You don't deserve new clothes. You don't deserve a job just because you have an education. You don't deserve a baby. You don't deserve a sense of humor. You don't deserve anything.
It's people who make things happen, whether it's college grants earned, or parents with silver spoons to give out, or busting your ass for what you have. I've been at the bottom of the barrel where I don't even need to pay taxes because I made so little - but I've thankfully had a support system that can boost my ass off the ground and tell me to "Take care of yourself." But those down times are always counter-weighted with the 'good' times - the times of a great job, great coworkers, and great recommendations when I do move on.
Thanks to Uncle Sam, there'll always be that lull in my career as we dipple-dot around the country and I try to find new work. And it will break my stride and my pride. That's why there's a bar in our house. :) But, I can't give up.

But back to the original point: Yes, I do deserve what I have - because I worked hard, am thankful, and always remember there are those in worse situations in the world.
14. A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine, and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don’t get better after 30.
You really had to bring that up didn't you.
I made the mistake of trying out a new face wash not knowing it'd become ZIT-CROPOLIS.
Yeah, we have some weeks until Mr. Wookie is home - but that shit better be gone by then.
And unfortunately my "gym shopping" continues as 2 out of the 3 yoga classes were worthwhile (I'm looking for 3 out of 3 classes a week in the post-5pm timeframe) at my local 24HourFitness. And let's not start on the nightmare of parking and the massive dichotomy of clientele. The gym sits on the "Rio Grande" of six-figure incomes and food stamps. So you have Gucci handbags and Mexico-pride backpacks next to the wall in the yoga classes. Not to be snobby - but I don't like either of those types. I don't want to smell tostadas sweating through your pores while you wear your belly chain to class - and I don't want to see you rocked 7 carats in total weight in class either.
15. A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship, and all those other facets of life that do get better.
Yes and yes. I used to think that you needed to be a VP of Marketing by 30 (or something else high-titled). Then I realized that 'wow,' things don't go that way at all. I still want a Master's in something, just not sure what yet. I feel that everyone is trying to wade out the lack of employment by pursuing additional schooling so now it's just a shit-storm of formally educated people without a dime of real-world experience. So in that sense, I'll keep my Bachelor's and resume - until that time comes when the Hood is calling my name.

And while I don't actually consider Mr. Wookie and I's almost-9 years together as a "solid start" - when in reality it is considering we're still in our 20's and have plenty of living to do - I agree, we have a good start. It's only going to get better, right? Right.

I also have a solid start on: wrinkles, snark, drinking alone, Friday night pizza dates and slumber parties with fellow Junior Officer lifetime partners, cleaning my home before Mr. Wookie's brief return, and scheduling a boob job in my 30's to get the girls back up to Los Angeles' standard.

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