Wednesday, February 25
Good thing I'm not actually Catholic...
Just trying to do good...
Nearest St. Vincent - Woodbridge, just a bit outta my way.
Tuesday, February 24
Home a la Wookie...
And the "Best Dad" Award goes to...
Monday, February 23
Weekend Overload...
Saturday, February 21
Friday, February 20
French Toast...Friday?
Wednesday, February 18
Wookious Updatius...
Current Weather...
Sight-Seeing Downtown Norfolk...
Me: "No it's not. This is a bay, not the ocean."
Tuesday, February 17
Goodbye additions...
Monday, February 16
The Unexpected Roadtrip...
The Latest Additions...
Saturday, February 14
Happy "Hallmark-Inspired Consumption" Day
Wednesday, February 11
Viva Virginia...
Yes, let's talk about my flights though. Because apparently I'm racking up the delays which are quickly moving me up the line for sainthood. Medford to Frisco. Puddle jump. Short flight. No issues. Minus that rough landing where the pilot practically threw the plane down. Whatever. We arrived. No big deal.
Killer part. So I was sitting down on the half wall-half window part of the terminal where you could watch planes come in and out...and there he was, this guy, totally flirting with me. Talking to me. Giving me looks. Asking if I wanted to color with him. Ya, he was 4. And adorable.
But back to my flights. In Frisco, we backed out of our gate on time. Oh, but let's be slated to take off from the furthest runway known to man. So after it took us 45 minutes of skipping over runways that had inbounds, we got moving. Thankfully that pilot made up for lost time in the air and I got in with 45 minutes of my hour layover left. All good.
And finally. The grand pooba of delays. Okay, maybe not as bad as it was in Denver over the holidays. While trying to combat the severe heatwave in Charlotte (71 degrees), I was roasting in the plane which was having difficulty getting air. I don't get it either. Wook said something about air in the auxilliary something-or-other. I don't know. That's plane-speak. Not my cup of tea....or coffee. But ya, let's sit there for another 20 minutes while our plane gets fixed. Oh please, let's. So after a 45 minute delay we were up.
So I did get into Norfolk later than expected. About 15-20 minutes past arrival. Not my fault. Just like to clarify my perfection. :)
We had a huge beer at this place called the Tap House. Like german style. Glass the size of your arm. It was okay. Not bad. A tame dark. Something along the name of Verniticus. And some pesto pizza (wook's choice...he's going all hippy on me). It was okay. Minus the tomatoes. And the chicken wasn't bad either. Very fresh.
Okay, well I'd like to get moving around here so more. Wook's still in bed. Seriously, who just jumped 3 time zones? That's right, me. I'm up. Been up since 7:45am or so. Had to get the bag of Cheerio feed and fill my trough. Not bad milk either. So far, so good.
Tuesday, February 10
Last call Oregon?
I guess my motivation is plenty of YouTube-ing Taylor Swift. I don't know why, but I'm on a T-Swift binge. Cute blonde, what's not to love? So ya, I've got my room nearly picked up. There's still one load of laundry to do before I call it a night. I still need to shower ('cuz we know that ain't happening at 4am). Hopefully my hair will be a semi-"on" day tomorrow. I have to put all my clean clothes away. Close the doors. Clear off the bathroom counter. Make it look like it needs to. Wish me luck.
And it's only 10:35pm.
So just a note for the stalkers. If there fails to be a post until evening, I've made it. But seeing as I've learned my lesson about being excited for traveling, I will call the ball in Norfolk whenever wook and I make it to his place. I do get in at 7pm-ish, so there could be a tapeworm in my stomach demanding food. We'll see how much food I can fit in my purse. And it's decent in size. One sleeve of Girl Scout cookies (from like 3 years ago, but there's still good. Like Twinkies. Almost, lol.). Bagel and shmear. Empty water bottle so I can fill it with goodness on the other side of the portal. And a protein bar or two. And maybe a pb&j sandwich for good measure.
So I guess now that it's 10:40pm, I need to get back to movin' and shakin'. So I will bid adieu to my readers until after my time zone jump. Let's hope you don't hear from me till Wookiee Maximus Generalisimo Headquarters.
"Our song is a slamming screen door, sneaking out late..."
Monday, February 9
Stolen fun...
This one requires one word answers. So I should spend adequate time doing this instead of cleaning and laundry. Muahahah.
1. Where is your cell phone? bed
2. Your significant other? wook
3. Your hair? ging!
4. Your mother(s)? gray/red
5. Your father? brown
6. Your favorite city? Diego
7. Your dream last night? unrememberable
8. Your favorite drink? liquid
9. Your dream/goal? enjoy
10. What room you are in? bedroom
11. Your hobby? yoga
12. Your fear? change
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? States
14. Where were you last night? sleeping
15. Something that you are not? short
16. Muffins? Costco
17. Wish list item? inheritance, haha
18. Where you grew up? Medford
19. Last thing you did? breathed
20. What are you wearing? pjs
21. Your TV? storage
22. Your pets? fluffy
23. Friends? dispursed
24. Your life? interesting
25. Your mood? procrastinating :)
26. Missing some one? derrr
27. Car? Smurfette
28. Something you're not wearing? hat
29. Your favorite store? Target
30. Your favorite color? green
31. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
32. Last time you cried? hmmmm
33. Who will re-send this? Sarah...?
34. One place that I go to over and over? bathroom
35. One person who texts me regularly? wook
36. My favorite place to eat? home
37. My favorite food? casserole
25 Random Factoids for Your Entertainment...
1.) I was the biggest baby in my family being 8lbs., 6.5 oz.
2.) I tune out my mother’s blabberings about garage sales and it being money in the wallet. I prefer to donate to charity (St. Vincent, Salvation Army) in hopes of bettering my chi.
3.) I can recall where it was purchased and how much an item cost in my wardrobe, unless it was a gift of course.
4.) I graduated with 228 credits from OSU (you need 180. That’s what you get for drastically changing majors.)
5.) Both weddings I’ve been in didn’t last. Flower girl at 5. Divorce proceedings current. Maid of Honor at 19. Divorce finalized 8 months later.
6.) I think breastfeeding in public without some sort of shield is gross. I don’t want to see your big, floppy, stretch-marked boob. “But it’s natural.” Yes, and so is my gag reflex.
7.) I will test out a piece of clothing a couple times by wearing it out and just tucking the price tag in on itself. I want to be sure I like it.
8.) I believe in epidurals for childbirth. I’m not a martyr. If that kid wants out, I want to be as comfortable as possible. As wook’s mom said, “It [natural childbirth] was the dumbest mistake of my life.”
9.) I started ballet at 3. I thought my mother wanted me to be a pretty ballerina. Nope. She knew I was going to be tall, so she was hoping this would combat any awkward clumsiness. Thanks.
10.) The worst 2:36 minutes of my life was California Screamin’ (the rollercoaster). I was hyperventilating, getting dizzy, cursing wook for calling me a chicken, cutting off blood supply to my arms for holding on so tight, and hoping I would vomit so I could collect the $200 my dad bet me.
11.) I’ve always thought pumping your own gas is blue collar. Yet now we use Pac Pride.
12.) I don’t “un do” dishes (like put them away from the dishwasher).
13.) Upon graduating from college, I made a deal with myself that I’m not allowed to go to the grocery store in pjs/sweats. I’ve relapsed twice. Both times in Medford. Both on runs to the store for alcohol.
14.) Trac and I are allergic to earrings with nickel in them. We get this black sludge buildup in the holes of our earlobes.
15.) I think a man’s bachelor party should include limos, cigars, steaks, T&A, and bourbon. It’s a bachelor party, not the Red Hat Society!
16.) I have a slight crush on Leland from Dog the Bounty Hunter. I know, I know. But look at those arms.
17.) I try to not think about how things would be different if wook had gotten Surface or P-3.
18.) I think Shari’s is Communist. I have no evidence. But I will always choose against it.
19.) The highest elevation I’ve ever hiked at was 9,500 ft. In Idaho. On a fire where 2 guys had died. Talk about scary.
20.) I used to live across from a drug house on 18th & Taylor. Although the police never found anything, loads of people were always coming and going.
21.) I like winter because everyone pales out, so I better blend in.
22.) I sometimes want to strangle Kate Gosselin and her Type A personality.
23.) I’ve kicked my 12 oz. chai, extra hot, no foam habit.
24.) I’m not against leashing your kids.
25.) I actually thought of 35 random facts, but narrowed it down to the better ones so you didn’t think I was retarded like for wanting to teach my future pet in Spanish.
The clock is winding down...
So I've started to throw the items I think I'm going to pack in the direction of my suitcase. I think because of the duration of my visit, and the varying weather that has occured, that I'll need a slightly larger suitcase than what's in my collection. Yay dad. I get to borrow his big duffel. You could hide Sarah's trolls in there. And maybe even Joe Cady. Huge. Should be able to fit everything, since I don't feel like fighting with a carry-on this trek. Just the purse, thank you.
My progress was slowed slightly as I was sidelined with dizziness thanks to the meds I've been given. It even says it on the bottle. Thanks doc. So down for a nap I went as I dozed in and out of consciousness listening to the Pro Bowl. I still have to take my second dose for today, which I'm planning to do right before bed. Just trying to outsmart the reaction since I still have 3 days to get through. Good thing I was able to get into the doctor quicker than I expected.
I swear, everytime I'm slated to go out of body rebels. What gives? Okay, I know I hate having to switch over time zones. I'm really lazy at that one. Hopefully I make the shift over rather easy since I've been trying to get up earlier than normal for my day's beginning.
So I'll have to get everything finished up over here. Cleaning my room. Flipping my mattress. Laundry. Packing. Double checking what I left in his possession so I don't pack more than I need. Combatting more dizziness if it decides to rear its ugly equilibrium unbalancing. Eating. Cleaning out my car. And going to bed early since I have to be at the airport around 5am.
Alright troops.
Destination: Norfolk, Virginia.
Obstacles: Layovers in Frisco, Charlotte.
Goals: Make wook accepting of recyclable bags. Prove the superiority of Honey Nut Cheerios as a breakfast. Read one book. Use up the rest of the journal wook got me for Christmas. Document wook and I in one, successful picture where both of us are smiling, not he grimacing because a camera is pointed at him.
Supplies: One checked luggage weighing in at 49.7 lbs. And a cute purse from Old Navy on rotation from Trac (that's what you do with 2 sisters, rotate purses because after awhile you just need to mix it up).
Sunday, February 8
I didn't see this one coming...
Then my dad informed.
"There won't be any reception on the ship."
What???!?!? No reception??!?!? No texting for a week??!??! How will I survive?!?!?!
I started to hyperventilate for about 10 miles somewhere between Cottage Grove and Sutherlin, I think. One week. Seven days. I don't know the hours (you do the math, I'm way too lazy as I let my Mint Julep Mask dry). Ughhhh. Really? No reception? I think I might pass out a day and a half in. I can't do it. I need my umbilical cord. I can't send smoke signals from that far out. And the carrier pigeons will probably die off mid-flight somewhere over Texas.
As you can tell, I'm still distraught over these. It's my lifeforce. When Obi-Wan says, "use the force"...that is my force. My only force. And now I can't use it. How will I get my TIE-Fighter out of the bog? I wonder if I can find a way to hack into CIA satellites to continue my connection with everyone. (Collin, are you for hire?)
So ya, I'm starting to get jittery from that Irish Cream Latte I had at Sutherlin. It was a long drive. I hate up and backs (was driving at 6:08am this morning northbound). So I think I'm going to clean my clay mask off and try to call it a night. We'll see. After getting up at 5:00 this morning, I should be able to sleep. Dutch Bros. may have a different agenda.
Friday, February 6
He has survived...
The official mark was 17 lbs lost. They were out for 6 days. Had rabbit stew (he said he had half the heart, after it had been stewed, and it wasn't too bad). His partner had the eyeball. *Gag* He said it tasted like blood. I'll take his word on that. But that was all their calorie intake. The hunt took a pause on Sunday, oh around the time the Super Bowl was on. Nice.
Their total calorie count was about 20 calories a day. After returning from the wilderness yesterday, wook ate a 6-inch Subway sandwich...and was full. Welcome to my club.
The typical blah blah blah about not being able to release anymore information. Did you forget? I don't care to know how to signal through concrete walls, up 3 floors, while wearing a Madonna wig? Not really my cup of tea. I care more that he's warm now, on his way out to mexican food and margaritas with his classmates. Happy that I got a half hour phone conversation without either of our phones dying.
So tomorrow for he and others is a day off. So they're heading to the Zoo. And Old Town again for more mexican. Just trying to make the most of their time in Diego, where military discounts offer free crap to entertain your time. Jealous.
And he mentioned something about most people hallucinating after 3 days of zero sleep.
Glad he's back in civilization. He flies back Sunday, getting in late into Norfolk. So he has less then 48 hours until I arrive. Woohoo! My countdown is less than 4 days. Get...ting...excited!!!
Another note: I figure I'll still update the world while I attempt to correct my blog. I'm getting together with my brother just as soon as I can. Sorry for the depression it's inflincting.
Tuesday, February 3
Technical Difficulties...
So my computer isn't cooperating, but that's okay.
I'll hopefully get it fixed by this weekend. Not really making it a top priority.
Have a few things to get to before I jetset off for the East Coast.
Work in Progress...
Bear with me, or bare with me ;)
Your call.
Monday, February 2
Points for my fajah...
Take 1 lb. ground hamburger, 1 lb. mild Italian sausage (ground), and 2 patties of turkey meat. Mix with the usual fixings of meatloaf. And...ouila...delicious. I'm normally a fan of meatloaf in all of its Depression Era beauty. But this one was excellent. Thought I'd share with the fanclub. That and I'll be making it when I'm back East at wook's. I love putting in little effort in the morning and having the Crockpot do the cooking all day.
Where'd January go?
And this morning I spent a couple hours trying to find a new template for this darn blog of mine. I'm getting bored with the colors already. I scoured online, but didn't find one to my liking. Ugh.
Just a note of inferiority. The Steelers' QB, ol' Benny boy, is 26. A year older than me. Already 2 trips to the Super Bowl. Feeling accomplished.
I've tried to think about how wook is doing down in Diego, but honestly I haven't a clue what he's going through. I mean, I can try and make up ideas. But I doubt they're anything close to the reality of it all. Almost halfway done. He'll either be out Thursday afternoon or Friday sometime. Not sure how long they'll keep them as detainees.
Countdown: Less than 8 days. I fly out a week from tomorrow, at 6am (to Frisco, Frisco to Charlotte, Charlotte to Norfolk). I think I have window seats all the way across so I can shove my head into the nook and catch some zzz's. Unless there's someone badass I'm sitting next to. Like one of my flights back to the West Coast where I sat next to the designer of the flight simulators used by the military. Sweet action Jackson. I'm going to attempt to rotate my internal clock to East Coast time before I head back because I usually have a rough time shifting my body to wake up at 3am PST. So we'll see if I can do it. And since I've found my passport, there shouldn't be any lost sleep in the next 7 nights.
So it's almost 11:30 here, and hopefully it's warmed up a little. I don't like going down to my storage unit while it's still cold because my fingers need to be nimble to go through boxes. Cold fingers = not time well spent. And working in gloves just irritates me. So now that I've had my coffee this morning, stalked my blogs, and posted myself, I can get a move on finishing up my laundry.
Sunday, February 1
Happy Birthday to You...
Not only is today the Super Bowl, but it also is my dad's birthday...woohooo!!!!!
So I decided to move this video from the last post and put it here because it personifies how young my dad really is. So he may be 50-plus, but who cares? The man can still ogre his way through the snow. Awesome.
I do have a few presents for him, but we're still lacking a cake. I'll have to see if the Alb has any of those 'cakes for two' at the store. But that means I'd have to get dressed and head out. Ugh. Okay, okay. For my dad, I will. But Live Free or Die Hard is on. Ahh, Bruce-y.
Okay...getting dressed. Happy Birthday Dad!!!