Tuesday, August 18

Say It With Me Now: Namaste

That's right. As of last night, this blogger is returning to the world of the yoga mat for some much needed chilling out/zen/quiet time/brain colonic. Finally.

The rough part was filling out the paperwork and handing over that hard-earned cash to appease the Gym Membership Enrollment Fee gods that hover over Norfolk.

The cool part. Getting the military rate on the monthly fee.

"Are you married?"

*long pause*

"Well...(fishing for ways to help a sister out?) do you live together?"

*long pause*

"Okay...I'll give you the discounted rate."


But now I gotta get changed, my put my cancer threads into a ponytail, walk the 75 yards to the gym, and sweat myself crazy. Thank goodness it's not a pansy yoga class. I can't handle those. I come for a workout. Not a slight stretching class. I can do that at home. When I'm trying to loosen up jeans after you wash them (you know what I'm talking about!).

Yogi Ashley returning to Active Duty status, sir! Here's to the first 2 weeks back on the mat. May they neither break my spirit nor my skeletal structure. Namaste.

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