Thursday, March 10

Thursday = i got nothing.

Every time I run with my running/wife buddy, I feel like an insta-boast.  She lives on base.  I do not.  She gets to run around gorgeous terrain, bodies of water - it looks like an estuary.  I live in a upper-end neighborhood surrounded by ghetto.  So I stick to my neighborhood.  And I've come to realize, that running where I walk my dog is BORING.  And I'd gladly drive the 10 miles to base, have her escort me on, and run with her than anything.  So much for conserving those fossil fuels when gas is $3.75/gallon.

I got a sunburn today.  It's March.

I only own one tank top in my running wardrobe.  It's time to change that.

I did have a momentary panic when for Tuesday's run, OMG, I've signed up for 3 half marathons - what was I thinking???, I just wasn't feeling running.  That and I had a humUNgo breakfast with Mr. Wookie who didn't have to be in super early like usual.  Big breakfast = questionable stomach.  But I put out 2 miles, what the training guide called for, and called it good.  Well, I called it "meh."

I looked in my bank account today and frowned. Where'd that chunk o' money go?  Oh, ya, race entry fees.  While the most expensive half marathon was $65 smacks, that adds up to missing money.  Good thing races are paid forward and now I just get to train myself to that June 5th, 6:00am start time.

Did I mention I got sunburned today?

Last night I made homemade lasagna. No, I didn't make fresh pasta or sauce.  I had leftover uncooked sausage, a half jar of sauce, and half a box of noodles.  Throw in some elbow grease, cheese, and a baking dish - that's a first for something that usually comes from Costco.  And I just realized, we didn't have garlic bread with it.  Woops.  At least the side salad was tasty.

Mr. Wookie flew home on Sunday commercially after spending the week in South Carolina.  He was there assisting some East Coast squadrons in training and loved every minute of it.  His debate of the week came when he was killing time between flights at Dallas/Ft. Worth airport's USO where they had free Girl Scout cookies by the box.  He just couldn't justify acquiring a few when we had perfectly good boxes at home and there are plenty of soldiers, sailors, and airmen returning from deployments that haven't tasted that deliciousness in a long time.

Mustache March is in full gear.  And it looks ridiculous.

I still need to get placemats for our dining room table.  I bought some at Target a couple months ago, but they just didn't work.  I'd die for some eco-friendly ones, but those usually come in a set of 4...and all I want are 6.  Not 8.  So I keep looking.

In last night's dinner conversation, Mr. Wookie's schedule is already so advanced that our next PCS is "on the horizon."  We just got here!  Can't I revel in the fact that I can get sunburned in March before Noon??  Can't I love that there's zero humidity here versus on the East Coast?  Can't I gloat that Southern California is not getting the monsoon-like weather drenching Mommy McD?  Can't I enjoy friends visiting in the next couple months so we can take them to wine country, LA, and the beach??

Navy Ad of the Week
In the El Centro, California area?  Join the NAF El Centro airshow this weekend!  Check out the birds (including the E-2!) and meet the crew (I know them too)!  You can find everything you need on the air show's Facebook page.


  1. Yay wine country and the beach.... can't wait :)

  2. The Sheriff asks... What is wrong with Mustache March??
