Tuesday, October 6

A Birthday Teaser

Three days ago:

Me: "Hey, you should get me Shaun of the Dead for my birthday."

I don't ask. I tell him. It's my favorite zombie movie. It took me awhile to get into. But that's because someone didn't tell me it was a British zombie spoof. I took it as a real movie. But now I'm hooked. And it's not Simon Pegg. It's "Shaun of the Dead." Not "Hot Fuzz." Not "Run, Fat Boy, Run." Get it?

So when I elect to open a present before I head off to yoga in 10 minutes, I opt for the DVD. (Back story: I always get a DVD for each gift-giving occasion, because when we first started dating I only had 3 DVDs. Wook thought that was incredibly sad. So he's still fixing that notion. My collection has thusly increased. That's right, I said thusly. End back story.)

So do I see when I rip away the pretty wrapping paper from the shiny case?

"Get f***'d, four eyes!"

The boy not only delivers, but had purchased the DVD weeks before I mentioned to him I wanted it. Stellar. Tell me he's not a keeper. Well, I mean, you can try, but I probably won't listen. He got me Shaun. He can do no wrong.

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