Friday, October 16

This Galoshes Are Made For Walking

The latest addition to don my perfectly sized-8 feet, minus the slight stench that can eradiate from them (which is totally my mom's gene pool, despite her laments! Sorry mom, we love you, but the feet genes passed along to Brother and I can raise the dead. Shorry!!).

Oh why, what's this? What perfectly circled tape. Could that be a target? Oh, how cute, Target's target. What a clever play on words.

This box showed up sometime in the morning. Wook told me about it sometime in the afternoon. Why did he wait? "I didn't think it was important." Oi ve. This blogger loves shoes, loves rain, why wouldn't she want to know if the shoes that are meant for the rain have arrived? Silly boy...

Yes, unsightly shot. Pasty leg. They look much darker in this shot. But I love 'em.

He doesn't see the reason in the constant pictures. He obviously doesn't understand my fan club. I mean, I'm important. People need to know about me. And vice versa (hint hint, for those who don't have's a great bandwagon to jump on). And yes his shirt is from

And an awful picture of me in the reflection of the shower stall. I have no mirror. This is the best there is. This is how I get ready in the morning. And yes, that day was Dress Like a School Marm day. It was cold out, so I opted for a button-down and sweater combo. Yes, not flattering. Very bulky. But I stayed warm. And I know it's not very Joanie from Mad Men, but that was more of a Peggy Day anyways. Besides, it's the boots that are important. Now oogle.


  1. The Sheriff says... noticed the Bridgeview in the background.... didn't think it would have lasted this long. Nice that someone is keeping you provided with some West Coast goodness. ha ha

  2. I was totally shopping for rain boots yesterday, on the Target website. I think this is a sign that I need to order some...soon-ish. :)
