Wednesday, October 14

I Forgot How Good They Are

I had them after my lunch break. While fending or "fending" off the munchies.

Looks like the munchies won if I chose this snack full of vitamins and minerals.

I'm just secretly adding to what-I-now-call the Football Flab. It's those 5 extra pounds you gain during football season because of the ceremonial beer, bratwurst, beans, cookies, chips, Pond Water (it's a beverage - but more on that later), jello shots, and overall over-indulging of football food because you're team is winning/losing/losing when they shouldn't (been there, done that, more times than we should).

But dang, Doritos I've missed you. Not too much though. That 250 calories per little bag is enough to keep you away from my grasp in favor for yogurt and granola. Sorry. It was a sweet, small reunion. But somethings are meant for the memories.

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