Wednesday, December 31

And the winner is...

...for "the worst-designed airport to get from one gate to another" is....

*drumroll*...San Fran!

Thank goodness "411" (my dad) was on-call to guide me through the piss-poor marked terminals and gates. Good golly. I mean I'll take walking in airports versus taking the moving sidewalks so I can get the blood flowing anyday. But come on. Never connecting in that place again.

All this happened while my mom was yelling at my dad...."Shouldn't there be someone to help her? Just have her ask someone to take her to her gate."

She doesn't get it that when bigger airports have "international" in the title, they mean it.

As wook's dad said, "Medford International Airport and Tire Care." Couldn't be closer to the truth.

My advice to SFO. Better labels. I can follow arrows. I can't follow blank walls.

Thanks 411.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. San Fran was one of my worst connections. The other suckiest connection was Kansas City. Blech.
