Sunday, February 27

the lure of the Green Monster

I'll be honest.  I love reading healthy living/food/strange addiction blogs because ...well ...I'm not one of them.  It's awesome to peer into the lives of someone you're not.  This may be why I have a slight obsession with Mormon blogs, marathon blogs, fashion blogs, and domestic abuse blogs (no kidding, I found one, was shocked/intrigued all in one!).  I now have a great respect for food bloggers because of all the pictures they take BEFORE they ravage their plate.  Usually I just inhale food.  Screw taking pictures of it.

But there has been one item that's always caught my eye.  The Green Monster.

Considered the 'go-to' breakfast smoothies for those with ridiculous abilities to wake up at 4am, run 17 miles, dress their 5 kids for school, then go out and pick fresh spinach for their organic, local, grass-fed smoothie - I was curious as to it's mythical, gnome-like tabloid coverage in the blogosphere.

So along with the vegan bandwagon, the driver is handing out free recipes.  You can find them here.

So I found a recipe called "The Incredible Hulk."  I did substitute almond butter for peanut butter (I'm trying to kill the jar).  I also threw in some kale that I had nearing the end of it's lifespan.  [Thank you produce delivery for reading my mind and delivering spinach in my allotment.]  And I left the greens on the strawberries (maybe they won't kill me either).  And I had to add more soymilk as it was quite soup-y and not whhhrrrrrrrr-ing like it should (you know, cyclone-ing and shtuff).

Ummm, based off looks....not so appetizing.  I'm pretty sure I've picked up dog nuggets that have similar'd this color.  AND there are chunks/flakes o' kale and spinach.  Umm, needing to floss after a smoothie is not my idea of a good time.  But the first cup went down fine.  I'm on my second glass now (since I added extra soymilk, there was a double dose o' fighting antioxidants ready for my immune system - HIYA!).  The jury is befuddled.  I'm not throwing in the towel quite yet.  But I'm still hungry.  And I know there are a bazillion nutrients in this, so I know it's not going to waste.  I just don't know how people are swearing by these yet.  My blender looks like I just had a run-in with the septic tank. Yes, I went there.  But bottoms up, people!  And yes, I'd like a perkier booty too.


  1. LOL! I think I'm just going to live vicariously through you here. I can't do green that early in the morning.

  2. I forgot to share a vegan blog you might like: It's a Mom with two young girls, and the whole family is vegan. Great recipes, photos, stories, etc., plus she's in Portland!

    Also, my sister has gone vegan and swears by the Peas and Thank You lady. Happy septic-tank-smoothie drinking!

  3. NavyGirl, I love Mama Pea! She's one of my regular stalkings - the food and her location!

  4. You have my utmost admiration, as I'm not sure that I could have convinced myself to even taste the drink due to it's appearance. You're a far ballsier woman than I. :)

  5. Dude. I also have kind of a weird fascination with Mormon blogs and Mormon stuff in general. I can't explain it. The Husband thinks I'm weird. It's not that I have any interest in taking up the religion (definitely not - I like alcohol and coffee WAY too much - plus, religion is not my thing), but the culture that particular religion is just interesting to me.
