Thursday, January 14

Happy Thursdsay!

But first off, I'm still kinda butt hurt about how people don't answer my calls. Yes, Ginganoia is a real and documented medical condition (see comments from previous posts) - but seriously, it's way less intense than say BEING A suck it up, people!'s Thursday!! One more day until Friday! Yes!

And Mr. Wookie has made coffee this morning, so I get to indulge in some delicious java before braving the elemental cold that continues to lurk on the Eastern Seaboard. Seriously, I'm over this shit. It's balls cold here. No, I take that back, it's ovaries cold here. Balls can't survive. Neither can my innards. I've never been so cold ever than when I ran home from the bar, yes, slightly impaired, and it was still cold enough to slap my alcohol-induced desensitization. Then we'd it, and it was "26 with a wind chill of 14." Check please.

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