Friday, January 15

To Wifi or Not To Wifi?

There are times in this modern age where technology can be taken a bit too far. No, I don't need you to tweet while you're 9cm dilated, or twitpic getting that mole on your ass checked out, or a Facebook update that you're still hungover. (Okay, well maybe that third one is allowed, but that's only 'cuz it's funny - you, drunk, you.)

I'm debating whether or not to bring the laptop this weekend. To blog...or not to to blog...?

But...I'm on vacation...technically...but the blog is a constant form of information/entertainment...but I'm on vacation...and will I actually have time to dedicate to you, my faithful readers, while I dole out aspirin and gatorade like it's Jonestown?

Not to mention I'm not even packed yet, and we leave tonight.

And I call myself a planner. Well, packing planner is obviously not my calling.

But enough of the chit chat. Work calls. And so does coffee. But coffee first.

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