Screw the posts that I had intended for this weekend. Screw the plan I had. Screw everything. Because we actually got snow last night. I don't know how, but the little mecca of my world, which is on the water, and ZERO feet above sea-level on the Eastern Seaboard got the white powder world of Boston/Alaska/Chicago/DC, etc. Okay, maybe not that extreme, but holy shit...
It started to flake just past 2am. I was just home from a Girls Night Out while Mr. Wookie had spent 12 hours barhopping. No, not a typo. 12 HOURS. Champion, I tell you.
While I was tired because it was late, and had adequately fed the guys who were clamoring for drunk food, I PJ'd up and hit the sack.
Mr. Wookie went out for pictures. So I've at least warned you of his sobriety level during his 2-hour trek last night around Downtown Norfolk.
I don't know how long it took for Mr. Wookie to realize I had my camera on "night shots" (it's a super long exposure so night shots aren't as dark) because when someone's getting frisked/arrested/escorted to the patrol car across the street from my Girls Night Out, you take pictures. But that event is obviously beaten by SNOW!
Fast forward 5 hours of sleep for this blogger who woke up thinking it was much later. Makes sense. Snow is white. White is reflective. I thought more morning had passed.
So, here's to not going to the gun range. Or out to frozen yogurt.
We had a foot at about two hours ago. Ugh. Asshole weather man said it's not supposed to stop until tomorow.