Thursday, January 14


Translation: Thank god it's almost Friday, but I still need to pack!

Like I said before, once this blogger peaces out from work tomorrow afternoon, she's headed outta town towards a "Sunriver-esque" type location. But don't think awesome, high in elevation, and in Oregon. Think measly, 3,500 ft in elevation total, and still on the Wrong Coast.

But it's 3 days away from responsibility with a gang of rowdy boys.

Yes, I'll most likely be Mama Bear-ing it up while the rest are down for the count with hangovers/dehydration/other issues. Just pray for zero broken bones. Sprains I can do. Compound fractures, I do not. Besides, compounds will require me to waste my previous vodka on sterilizing your damn wound. Waste. Of. Sustenance.

And like someone who's way too prepared for life, Mr. Wookie is forcing me away from the blog so I can pack before we crash tonight. And like those who know me, Mrs. Wookie packs best when under pressure. Just hope I bring underwear. Because it's too cold to not.

Let's just hope this damn cabin has wifi. Otherwise, HELP ME! I won't survive!

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