Sunday, January 10

Sunday Morning Brought To You By The Ging

This weekend was the most entertaining and the most calm weekend in a while. Is that right? Not that I want to relive certain parts.

I fell asleep last night on the couch at 8:37pm, while Wook watched FanBoys (4 teenaged Star Wars fan plot to drive from Ohio to California, to break into the Skywalker Ranch - it was....interesting). Mr. Wookie proceeded to wake me up sometime later as he was heading to bed, so I could sleep upstairs. This is always a heavily debated issue as I'm sometimes a raging bitch when I'm woken up from a deep sleep. But if you look at the other way, I'd be a huge pain in the ass if he just left my ass on the couch to sleep. You can't win with me. Sorry.

Friday night was legendary as my night started with 2 margaritas and a shot of tequila. My Facebook status launched all sorts of quotes and quandaries as I didn't know how the night would end. Well it ended, after the boys stole a poster from the Irish Pub. By hiding it in my purse. Umm, excuse me, I will NOT be an accessory to thievery! Douches.

And yes, shots are making a comeback in my life. Proud? Kinda. To be honest.

I spent a handful of hours yesterday looking for a new template for my blog. It's been about a year since I've had the current layout. I'm just looking for something different. And hopefully without Times New Roman as an option. I hate that font. It's ugly. So ugly.

Friday, I went into work at Noon. It was great. Although I feel like it was a partial day wasted since I only worked 5.5 hours. Is that what part-time feels like?

Today will be another day that Mr. Wookie spends looking for cabins/homes for the MLK weekend trip. We're in the works of planning a weekend ski/board trip in the "mountains" of Virginia. Well, skiing/boarding for those who do that. Innertubing for this blogger.

Dinner on the menu is homemade beef and broccoli, and it's been marinating since last night. Mmmmmm, I'm glad to have my roommate back. So is my stomach.

And Pete Carroll...really? You can't leave. You're the best lookin' thing out of USC.

How was everyone's weekend? Hungover? Starved? Shopped till you dropped? Newly pregnant? Ready to sell your children on the Black Market?


  1. The Sheriff says.... The Ging should snowshoe. It should be a lot easier in VA than Crater Lake. The Sheriff is also on the verge of an emergency. The mints in the Sheriffmobile are almost gone. Is Dr. Stacy stalking this blog? She's the only one that knows where to find them.

  2. Uh oh, I'll have to email Stacey or make an APB on the blog front.

    I'm looking to see if there are any places to rent snowshoes in NFK. So far, nothing. And the prices are around $100-150 to purchase. Not sure if that's worth it.

    Looking into renting ski/boarding gear to try it. Doubt I'll be any good. But it'll definitely be a reason to imbibe due to soreness.

  3. We have an ever-growing collection of pint glasses from various bars ... all were smuggled out in my purse. You should definitely try snowboarding, it's fun! :)

  4. I've been looking into taking the group lessons of boarding/skiing. I'm not sure which I'd be better at. I've water skiied, but I hear everything is different. We'll see. If not, I'm always up for playing Mama Bear in the cabin.
