Sunday, June 1

As if I neeeeeded an explanation...

so you may ask, 'why the boomerang theory?'

a.) i live back with my parents. need we more detail?

b.) since wook's been moved back to florida, i've gone back twice...for a minimum of 3 weeks. there's no normalcy in deployment/relocation-stationing, at least on my end. the longest we've been apart was 16 weeks (which ended up being only 3 calendar months). and this next round with primary will be 17 weeks of class for him (so i have to try my best to tough this round out).

those are the two main ones. you could say i go through 'flaky' phases where i get buried beneath life which consists of stalking the MFC,, and Clean House marathons on the Style Network. i guess it's just me wishing life was back to the good ol' college days. (well, minus the weight gain, lol).

so there you have it sarah. you are now allowed to read about my fanatical cheerios eating.

now sush.

but seriously. post more. :)


  1. I'm your first commentor!!!! Woot, I'm glad that you got a blog my dear. You made my day.
    Love ya!
