Friday, July 17

Sponsored by Gatorade

What do I usually keep stocked in my fridge for mornings like these?

A 6-pack of the perfectly individual, cute little Gatorades. In pale purple.

However, I forgot to them Wednesday on my weekly stroll to the market.

So what did I have to do this morning?

Don my Chacos (hello, my little friends, it's been awhile!), jeans, shirt, and wet hair.

This is what happens when you arrive at Guadalajara's at 6:15pm, am greeted like the Pope (the boys were that far gone), and we continue to make our way down Granby St., and don't eat dinner till the last place.

But like the champion and Mrs. Draper (Mad Men, anyone?) I am, I go pick up some Gatorades for myself and the boys (Boy A being Mr. Draper [aka, Mr. Wookie], Boy B being Roger Sterling [aka, the always-awesome Mr. Joe Cady]).

But now that it's 8am, I should put some makeup on, fill my travel coffee mug with more Gatorade, take some Ibuprofen for the road, and hope the sun doesn't blind me on the drive out.

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