Sunday, December 13

Operation: Christmas Shopping

For those who don't know, I'm a chipper piece of shit in the morning when I don't have an alarm to wake me out of my delicate slumber. And today's no different. Well, actually it could be now that I think about it.

I'm taking a break from my usual Sunday ritual of all-day pajamas and laundry.

Today, I'm hitting up the mall. RIGHT as they open. This blogger has a list of stuff to pick up and she doesn't want to deal with lunch-time stroller mafias cramping her style.

Nothing irritates me more than strollers, old people with fresh hip replacements, gaggles of teenage girls, the group of boys who just stare at anything with 2 legs, an ass, and something resembling boobs...pretty much anyone with a pulse at the mall who's not on A MISSION FROM GOD.

Move out of my way, people. I'm a Ging. I make way for myself whether you like it or not. And I will give you a good eye roll and sigh if you're in my way. So save yourself the issues, and step aside. I'm walking here.

To help me with my mission today, I spent most of yesterday analyzing the lists of those on the Left Coast, deciding what's possible to ship back for a low fee, and then making that list. Sadly, the cast-iron skillet that the Sheriff wants is not coming from this blogger. Shorry.

The mall opens at 11am. I'll be there right before, at least that's what I'm planning. I'll analyze my store layout so I know what ordered to hit things. My goal...okay, well...the time frame I think would be awesome: 1 hour. Definitely no more than 2 hours. I have 4 miles to log today. I am not waiting until dark and treadmilling it like a hamster.

If I can get everything purchased and wrapped today, and then sent out tomorrow, that'd be great. That's my underlying goal at least. There's only so much more time that can be alloted to shopping because those gifts have got to get across this expansive country.

So until I get my list crossed off, people, watch out. Crazy Ging on a warpath.


  1. Yes. You are one. Not an onslaught of 3+ stroller'd moms out for a nice walk. You walk with a mission. Your stroller is like a snow plow. Hmm, maybe I should get a stroller with a blade on it, now that I think of it.
