It's a long road traveled. A long road not envied. A long road of learning.
For Mr. Wookie, it's not the path he originally wanted. He initially selected Surface, as to be on board a ship, hopefully in the great city of San Diego. I liked it too. I love San Diego.
Then the Navy said, "Nope!" We need more air than surface. Pensacola, you go!
So with a groan, he shipped off to Florida. Life not expected. To me, Florida not desired.
Then came the crashing of his world, he didn't get his P-3 slot. We wanted Whidbey. We counted on Whidbey. But the P-3 slot went to the guy with the lowest grades. Wook's world was crushed. What next? This E-2 aircraft. It's a plane with a dome on it. Not exactly a sexy piece of machinery. But if this E-2 means getting out of Florida, by all means. Let's do it.
And so he did. He got E-2s. Moving out of Florida, commenced. I like it.
So here we are, 2 and a half years after Commissioning, getting those Wings. I say, "we" but we all know it was him. I was just the supportive attachment through all this. Those pesky phone calls. The trips out to see him. The checking in on his status of first Whidbey, and then Virginia. The care packages. The constant blogging about him. Then the moving in with him.
But we're here. And it feels great. Next stop: Well, more class. Unlike the other aircraft, Wings doesn't mean you're done. It means, "Yay, you can technically do your job, but let's spend another 6 months making you better." Besides, more school equals more time before that first deployment. I'll take it.
Then comes the Winging Party. Definition: Drunk Fest '09. Real Definition: All graduates pool together money to throw a party in their honor. All students, instructors, family and friends, and Big Cheese are invited. Drunkness pursues. So stay tuned!
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