Wednesday, December 23

Who The Heck Wakes Up At 4:50am On A Work Day? the time frame of getting out of work an hour-plus late, scrounging Barnes & Noble for a gift for a coworker (and finding nothing!), rushing home to decompress for 15 minutes before donning Orange and hitting up the Sports Bar: Gator's....I'm officially ready for this spoiling 4-day weekend ahead of me.

But first, the ass-crack of dawn...

Because of all things procrastinating, I still have to make my goodies for the office. Not the whole office, but the few on my team. And what happens when you have a Vegan on your team? Well, the whole recipe is screwed. So I spent most of yesterday's time on the computer (which wasn't much with 2 events on my calendar) Googling, "vegan holiday recipes"..."vegan holiday cookies"...and "Can I just say it's Vegan to make it look like I went the extra effort?"

So I'm settling on Molasses Cookies. They should be quick and relatively painless. The only thing I'm missing is the molasses. Ahhh, you now see why I'm up this early. I needed to be up and ready for the world at the beautiful time of 6:00am. Then 'hello, grocery store.'

Where's Mr. Wookie in all this? He left at 4:50am. For Base. He has to work today. And let me tell you. When you don't let the Wookie start his "holiday beard" before Christmas, it's not a pretty sight. So next time, Navy, please let the Wookie win and have a month off for Christmas. He and his beard will thank you. We promise.

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