Monday, February 1

Get The Sheriff A Birthday Beer!

The man in the middle of Dr. Stacey Kervorkian and Baby Sister is a one of a kind.

And today is his birthday. So maybe he'll take a day off from waking up at 4:15am, and Lance Armstrong-ing to the gym for his daily workout. Maybe Mama Ging will go out and get him coffee instead. And maybe Brother & Amber will make him chicken tacos for dinner. Just maybe...

I, instead, will wish him the happiest birthday via blogpost. A great day of another year happy, healthy, and looking good in Black and Orange. This year will be good.

Because without him, I don't look like anyone in the family. And that's just not right.


  1. The Sheriff says.... 4 o'clock comes twice a day for you slackers that didn't know it. Mr. and Mrs. Hickman will verify my attendance this morning at the usual time. Prost!
