Wednesday, February 10

There IS A Gym Fairy

This little announcement came via email from the Gym Fairy.

Why golly, what are you talking about? Did I get it? Did I get it?

I did, bitches, I did! So now I'm eating dinner and Googling frantically what shoes to wear. I've read horror stories of a torn meniscus because they worn running shoes. No, I like my meniscus in one piece! Or that they wore shoes with little padding and came out with bunions. Nooo, I don't WANT bunions!

So I sit, blog, stalk, worrying, eating, contemplating, but will probably at the end of my debate just where my 3rd-rung running shoes that are now demoted to yard work. So until, or Dillard's, or Famous Footwear can produce something that's cute and doubly useful (I refuse to reserve a pair of shoes for just Zumba - besides, I may haaaaaate this anyways). So wish me luck. And my meniscus. And anti-bunion thoughts.

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