Sunday, February 14

WE HAVE NEWS!!!!!! (w/ 2 Updates!)

Text from Mama Ging:

No details yet, but you'll be in the loop. Promise. Until then, YAY! The only boy in the family has successfully passed on his name. Next child = no gender stress.

********* Updated to Add ***********

Born at the hospital (due to some last minute judgment calls), this little guy was born at 8:07am PST, barely teetering the scales at 7lbs, 8 oz. No length yet.

Welcome to the family, little man. Name: Ryan Brent III. Birthday: Valentine's Day.

********* Update Continuation ***********

So Little Man is currently in the NICU while they're just monitoring his lungs. Apparently he had a bit of a meconium issue in womb. Usually no big issue. But when your the direct descendant from a man that has clogged up his fair share of toilets, both public and non, that's bound to be some super poop we're dealing with. So they're heading to Eugene since Medford's NICU is full (my idea was to kick out the fattiest baby to make room for Little Man. Mama Ging agrees. But apparently the hospital doesn't. Communists.).

And here's a picture of the gentlemen of the family. The 3 Ryans (The Sheriff, Brother, and Little Man). And this does NOT count Mr. Wookie, whose real name is Ryan also. Yes, we're looking into legally changing names to help with the family's confusion.

1 comment:

  1. Yay. Congrats to them. Boys rock.

    Oh, and tell the Sheriff my next move on Blogger is to turn on anonymous comments.
