Tuesday, April 14

What are you?

So Ethan Allen has this quiz you take to determine what your decorating sense is. And because I love procrastinating as opposed to preparing exquisite resumes/cover letters for jobs I've found, I choose to entertain the Bloggeratzis.

"The verdict is in—your style is Metro. Metro is a great modern space. Chic, comfortable, clean. Do the math. Strong horizontals plus graphic clarity plus a fearless blending of metal, woods, leathers, and wovens; minus the superfluous and the clichéd; equals urban architecture domesticated, a vision for living.

This online portfolio shows your style. Brought to life in rooms. A subtle mix of furniture, accessories, and attitude. Different “looks.” Because every home should be unique. Come see. "

So either post on your own blog if you feel so entertained, or leave a comment about which you are. I'm curious how everyone turns out. Not that I don't know people's styles already. That way I can make fun of those who get "Estate"...have you had your fiber regularity today? ;)


  1. Mine's "global". I guess kitschy is too kitsch for Ethan Allen. Snobs.

  2. Rash, wouldn't you have guessed, according to Ethan Allen my style is "global". Now if that global style can find me a fabulous apartment in Vienna, then shoot, I'm on a role!
