Tuesday, April 14

What does it take to get a Xanax?

You probably already know. My computer will die. But not because it's terminal. Because I'm going to Shaken Baby Syndrome it to death. Yes, I will be a murderer.

It had been acting acceptable lately, but today apparently it was "No More Mr. Tolerable Laptop." Now without running a string of expletives, let's just say I need a drink. Never have I more. But can I wait until the DC Premiere tonight? We'll see.

I called my brother to tell him we're a go for a new laptop. Please expedite the shipping, please expedite the shipping, please expedite the shipping. *Clicking my ruby red slippers together*

Now I realize that things happen for a reason, and maybe I wasn't supposed to get an application in for the job that closed at 5pm EST. But golly, that still doesn't help my blood pressure. I don't think I've been that angry since...umm...well...probably one time I had too much to drink and people were being stupid. See...that's how long it's been. I now know how Phil feels after his sons are being stupid onboard. Maybe I should take up smoking.

So ya, sorry for the venting. Good golly. I may need a drink after all, still.

But on the brighter side. If it really is true about my laptop not having a future after it is replaced, then I may have some fun with it. Anyone know someone with a 50-Cal? RPG? Grenade launcher? Anything? I'll even take a shotgun. Sawed off, that is.

So what are you waiting for? Hop to it. Don't stand around being a bunch of cotton headed ninny muggins. You people need to be on my good side when my finger gets on the trigger.

1 comment:

  1. whoa... calm down lady. Have that drink. Have one for me too while you're at it.
